
Starting your roastery: Turn your passion for coffee into a business!

Have you ever dreamed of turning your love for coffee into something bigger? Something that combines your passion, creativity, and entrepreneurial spirit? Starting your own coffee roastery could be your golden ticket. With the growing demand for specialty coffee, there’s never been a better time to roast your way into the hearts (and cups!) of coffee enthusiasts everywhere.

Unorthodox Roasters

Client Spotlight: Unorthodox Roasters

It’s time for a new client spotlight. This time, we asked Unorthodox Roasters to share their story with us. You can find their roastery, as well as our Giesen, in Kinross, the United Kingdom. Let’s get to know Chris Bode, one of the owners.

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Client Spotlight: ESTATE ROASTERY

We are proud of all the unique and inspiring places our Giesen coffee roasters get the chance to roast. In this client spotlight, we introduce some of these companies. First off: ESTATE ROASTERY. Let’s get to know Billy Susanto, the head roaster.

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Coffee facts

Facts about Giesen Coffee Roasters

When we start to talk about coffee, most of the time we can’t manage to stop. What can we say? At Giesen we don’t just love to build our coffee roasters, we love everything about the coffee process. Which is why we share these five facts about coffee.

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Coffee facts

5 facts about coffee

When we start to talk about coffee, most of the time we can’t manage to stop. What can we say? At Giesen we don’t just love to build our coffee roasters, we love everything about the coffee process. Which is why we share these five facts about coffee.

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Replicating coffee blends – Giesen Webinar #6

In the monthly Giesen webinar #6, Willem Boot, and Marcus Young cover topics various topics related to coffee roasting. In this webinar, Willem and Marcus explain how you can dissect and analyze a certain coffee blend and which steps you can take to reach the same coffee blend.

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Gas vs. Electric roasters; The main differences

There are many different reasons to look into an electric coffee roaster; a future-proof solution, not wanting to depend on gas, environmental considerations, as well as the additional connection work are factors that come into play when making the choice of gas or electricity. At Giesen, we developed four electric roasters for people who want to roast coffee on electricity. After all, these machines operate on electricity only. In this blog, we explain the main differences in specifications, use, and results between gas and electric roasters. 

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Creating profiles using drum speed

Willem Boot’s Roasting Essentials: Some of the more sophisticated features of the Giesen coffee roasting technology are the options to adjust drum speed and air pressure. We discuss this feature in this blog.

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Heat soak or heat shock? – Giesen Webinar #3

This unique monthly Giesen webinar #3 hosted by Willem Boot cover topics like the perfect profile and how to achieve this. Together with live roasting sessions and exploring the features and functionalities of our coffee roasters and related equipment.

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Using the heat soak or heat shock technique

Willem Boot’s Roasting Essentials: One of the more interesting experiments you can do when roasting coffee is applying the Heat Soak and Heat Shock technique. In this blog, we talk about the procedure you can follow to implement this technique in your roast, and which advantages it may give you.

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Comprar Una Nueva Tostadora Puede Ser Mucho En Un Principio, Y La Pregunta De Dónde Empezar Definitivamente Le Puede Surgir. En Este Blog, Explicaremos Todos Los Ajustes Que Se Pueden Cambiar En Una Tostadora De Café Giesen. De Esta Manera, Aprenderás Lo Que Significa Cada Variable, Y Qué Efecto Tendrá Un Cambio De Variable En Tu Tostadora.

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Temperature setpoint option

Willem Boot’s Roasting Essentials: With all Giesen machines, there are four options for profiling: Set-temperature, Burner-controller, Air-pressure, and Drumspeed. In this blog, we discuss the first basic option; the Temperature Setpoint option, which allows you to manage the air temperature of the roasting machine.

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Rate your roast and recognize flavors

More information on how to rate specific flavors and learn what variables have a destinctive effect on coffee flavor? In this blog, we would like to elaborate on the different variables you can use to rate your roast, recognize flavors, and rule out pitfalls as early as possible.

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Nuestras tostadoras comerciales de segunda mano

Entendemos Que Entrar En El Negocio De La Torrefacción De Café Requerirá Grandes Inversiones. Sobre Todo; La Tostadora Comercial. Para Acomodar A La Gente Que Busca Una Tostadora Comercial Más Accesible Pero Que No Quiere Renunciar A La Calidad, Pusimos En Marcha Nuestra División De Tostadores De Café De Segunda Mano. En Este Artículo, Nos Gustaría Contarles Todo Sobre Nuestra Gama.

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Controlar Todo El Proceso En El Café Significa Que Hay Que Empezar Por El Principio; El Grano Verde. En Este Artículo Nos Gustaría Explicar A Detalle Las Cosas Que Debe Considerar Antes De Empezar A Tostar, Las Diferentes Variaciones De Los Granos De Café Que Hay, Y Cómo Usted Como Tostador Puede Diferenciar Su Tostado Especial De Sus Competidores.

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Coffee cup with roasts


Todas Las Bebidas A Base De Café Tienen Sus Propias Características Y Sabores Únicos. Eso Es Algo Bueno Porque De Otra Manera, Todos Tomaríamos Lo Mismo. Por Suerte No Es Así Y En Muchos Lugares De Café Hay Una Gran Variedad De Bebidas Para Elegir, Así Como Hay Diferencias En Los Niveles De Tostado De Café Entre Los Cuales Puede Elegir.

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Time to shift your business

In this blog we would like to share some ideas you could implement in your company that could help you to shift your business and overcome these difficult times. We understand that the options we mention most likely are things you as an entrepreneur have been thinking about yourself. But maybe we give you new insights to implement in your business that you haven’t thought of yet. Our goal with this blog is to inspire you. 

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Giesen Profiler Frequently Asked Questions
Giesen Profiler

Giesen Profiler FAQ

Giesen Profiler FAQ Here you will find the Giesen Profiler FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions. If you have questions that are not listed, add them in

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