Client Spotlight: ESTATE ROASTERY

We are proud of all the unique and inspiring places our Giesen coffee roasters get the chance to roast. In this client spotlight, we introduce some of these companies. First off: ESTATE ROASTERY. Let’s get to know Billy Susanto, the head roaster.

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We are proud of all the unique and inspiring places our Giesen coffee roasters get the chance to roast. In this client spotlight, we introduce some of these companies. First off: ESTATE ROASTERY. Let’s get to know Billy Susanto, the head roaster.

Nombre de la empresaESTATE ROASTERY 
Tipo de tostador de café Giesen W15A 


Company mission: Our mission is to provide good quality coffee for our customers through our consistent roast. 

Why Giesen: Because we knew Giesen is known as a top-quality company that already has a ton of experience with making high-quality roasters.

The biggest advantage of the roaster: The advantage absolutely is the new software, Giesen Profiler. This helps me to visualize and control the roast, which results in a great roasting profile! Besides that, it helps with the consistency because we can repeat the same profile again to the next batch. 

The other advantage was, besides the beautiful roaster design, that we could also choose the color that we wanted. Everything was worth the price!

How many kilos of coffee do you guys roast every week: Our company is just a micro-roastery so in one week we only roast around 50 to 60 kg.

Favorite bean: Every coffee bean is a favorite one as long as we can enjoy it together with some friends. 

The best thing about your job: The best thing about being a roaster is that we can share our knowledge with customers. That way we can educate them to drink good coffee and make a lot of new friends.

Motto: We only live once so enjoy every moment of it.

Tip for other entrepreneurs/ roasters: Never be afraid to take a risk and never be afraid to try new things.   


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