Spotlight: Giesen Colombia Distributor

We like to introduce you to our Giesen Colombia Distributor: Jaime Duque. He is the founder of JAIME DUQUE LONDOÑO S.A.S. in Bogota.

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We would like to introduce a new distributor to you. Say hello to Jaime Duque, from Colombia. He is the founder of JAIME DUQUE LONDOÑO S.A.S. in Bogota. We asked him some questions to get to know him better.

Name: Jaime
Giesen Coffee roaster type:W1A
Country:Bogota, Colombia 

Giesen Colombia Distributor

Why did you decide to start your own business? It was the only way to move forward into consumption level. Colombia is a producer country, we must be more than producers.

Highlights you experienced in your work: I am agronomics. I understand the coffee plantation and worked directly with the coffee producer for more than 15 years. Now, I roast and sell the coffee in the coffee shop called ‘Catación Pública’.

With the knowledge of today, would you have done things differently? Can you name some beginners’ mistakes? One of the beginners’ mistakes was thinking with my heart instead of my brain. You need to be focused.

How do you become a successful roaster: Roasting, roasting, roasting! Besides that, you need to do research and analyze.

How many hours of roasting and studying does it take to become a roasting expert? A lot and even that is not enough.

What qualities does a successful roaster have? The qualities a successful roaster need to have are correct, concentration and passion.

Beginner’s mistakes in coffee roasting: Thinking that coffee is coffee.

The best thing about coffee roasting: The chemical reactions.

How do customers react when they see your coffee roaster? Most people don’t know what a roasting machine is. If they see it, they think about it as a beautiful car.

Besides our Giesen Colombia Distributor, you can find our distributors all over the world. Take a look at the map to find out which one is closest to you.

Cet article a 2 commentaires

  1. Miguel Garcia

    Buenas noches
    La adociacion de productores de cafe de alta calidad Cuchilla del san Juan adquirio una tostadora giensen w15A hace pocos meses pero desafortunadamente tuvimos un problema de funcionamiento de nuestra tostadorA y queremos solucionarlo pero tenemos mas de un mes con este problema y nuestro provedor no nos ha dado una respuesta adecuada lo que nos ha ocasionado incovenientes para cumplir adecuadamente los pedidos de nuestros clientes. Quisiera por favor informarnos como podemos superar esta dificultad, mientras estuvimos operando la tostadora fue muy satisfactorio su funcionamiento
    Muchas gracias

    1. Mees Jansen

      Gracias por comunicarse con nosotros, lamentamos escuchar que está experimentando un problema con nuestra tostadora. Le recomendamos enviar un correo electrónico a nuestro departamento de soporte técnico:

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